Inspiration and Motivation Found Here!
I work hard at fitness & nutrition and share with you what I do, how I do it, what motivates me & what inspires me.
I get into the nitty gritty of my trials & tribulations, barriers & obstacles.
And when I realize a success, hard-won or otherwise, you'll be the first to know about it!
Me using a freeweight (yay) on another lame machine (boo)...trying to stick to a theme here ... sorry for the mixed message within the pic, we were desperate for props/scenery!!! :
Ok, so one very loyal follower is pushing my buttons again!! Just joking, healthy debate is fun! But anyway, dear Kelly has kindly pointed me at one stair stepping machine that actually DOES mimic a real stairwell, and I have to concede that YES, this particular machine comes about as close as you can get to a REAL stairwell. I would even go so far as to say this machine is probably HARDER than a real stairwell, mostly because you'll never get to the top if you don't want to, the ROM is exactly the same as a real stairwell, and if you set the speed high enough you have to keep going at that speed or be swept away.. on a real stairwell you can slow down any darn time you want to (aka: cheat!). Just don't be hanging on to those side bars or front part and I'm a fan of this one! Good on ya, girl!
However, further to my comment about how some machines let you rest too much of your body and do alot of the balancing for you, here's another pic of me we took during my photo session; this one is on a stationary bike. I mean, c'mon, there's even a place to rest your forearms so you can 'relax' upper body while you work your legs. Geez. Dumb. Just plain dumb.
Anyhoo, here I go yakking on about my current program again, as well as a few more tidbits about getting off plateaus! Enjoy!
Hey everyone. A little diatribe about a couple of the responses I got to Monday's vlog about Free Weights vs. Machines, then off I go rambling about OverTraining and the effect it had on me. Enjoy!
Hey Everyone. Well, I was honoured again with a request to do a guest appearance on someone else's vlog/blog. I get into the nitty gritties of my running addiction. I really had fun doing this one too!
Hey everyone. I share my opinions about using machines vs. free weights. Just my opinion mind you!!! it does look like this video is full length now. Sorry for the original being cut off. Enjoy.
If you want to ask me a question, please feel free to post in the comments under each vlog/blog, or email anonymously to: gwnn.gwnn [at] (replace [at] with @ - just trying to avoid the spammers)
Truth About Abs
I've talked a few times about Mike Geary. This guy really knows what he's talking about. His report was instrumental in helping me "get it". His 'Truth About Abs' report is in-depth and smack on target for cutting fat and seeing your abs sometime soon! He outlines some exceptional exercises and covers alot of really valuable diet advice & theories that I truly believe in and practise for myself. Click on the image to check him out and get his report!!
The Fit Bastard
Scott Tousignant - This guy 'gets it'... awesome weight-loss advice here.
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
Another great training manual, I've read it and love it, and have followed many of the strategies outlined within.
He's a guy's guy and super intense. He motivates me simply by being a no excuses, no whiners kind of guy (and a totally nice guy to boot!).
The Fit Chic
A really instrumental motivation for me on my journey to where I am now
I'm all about health, fitness, proper nutrition. I pump iron, run, do HIIT & HIT (& ocean swim in the summer).
I'm also getting into internet marketing & social media. Trying to wade thru the myriad of information out there & make something work that lines up with my interests. Follow me and watch my progress, lets see if I make something of this or give up in frustration. And, I'm expecting YOU all to not let me give up in frustration in case you aren't sure if you have a role here. Yes, you do!