Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Muscles

Well, I've got all my fitness pics back now. My jaw dropped when I saw these ones. I'm flexing pretty hard in one of them, but even I was amazed at the muscles in my back... I mean, I never get to really SEE my back on a regular basis, do I? So, this was new information for me.

Wow, rows and deadlifts work really well, eh? :-)


Carlin said...

Hey Jackie
Great shots! Its gotta be exciting to see how all that work has been paying off. Very cool!

Kelly Olexa said...

The pictures look fantastic girl!!

Raechelle said...

Yup- back! I remember the first time I saw my back-I had the same reaction as you! What a lovely surprise-hey?!

Anonymous said...

So buffed you can hardly fit through the door ...

Beefcake! Beefcake!

but seriously, you're looking good.


GirlwithNoname said...

Raechelle, yah totally blew my mind. I had no idea! you can't see that flexing in a mirror! ooo, Kira, that hurt a little... is it too manly? say not so!!

Raechelle said...

OMG-not too much at all-it's just right...Oh and I meant to type "yup, NICE back"-damn computer!
Cheers mate!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie

Don't worry. Not manly at all!

Looks terrific. Toned and fit!


Bekah Darling said...

Wow! Awesome photos!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry for the mis-understanding. I was quoting Southpark ...

Please excuse my warped sense of humor.

You look great! Very feminine.

Definitely NOT manly!

GirlwithNoname said...

thanks Bekah.

Kira: phew!! thanks for coming back and clarifying! :-) thanks for the awesome compliment too!