Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3, 2009 - Words Cannot Express

More Snow, More Yakkin' about the Gym, and More Working Out.. oh, and a cool t-shirt too!


Carlin said...

Hey Jackie,
It was great to catch up with you, both here on your Vlog, and with you on Twitter. Missed you!

RE- the Gym, hey, if it works for you, go use their toys right?

Thanks for being you! I'm glad we're friends.
Carlin in Seattle

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie

The gym isnt so bad :0) Its good to switch it up and use different equipment.

Try some intervals on the treadmill, you have to concentrate on changing the speed or incline so the time goes by really fast.

Love the t shirts !

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie

Told ya! Now repeat after me, “Gym is good!”, Gym is good!”

Even if just for a change of equipment and the extra opportunities it gives you.

The treadmill can be boring, but agree completely with Fitness Chick, if you mix it up with intervals (speed and degree of incline) you have no chance to be bored.

There is no doubt that the treadmill does not give you as complete a workout as running on the ground but my physio told me that an incline of 2.5 will mimic outdoors running (personally think this is a bit high). I have tried that and find it fairly tough for extended periods but it is a good workout as an alternative.

Now, if only you didn’t live 12,000k away, I could offer to spot for you!

Take care


GirlwithNoname said...

LOL!! Okay Okay you guys!! I already admitted I'll likely go there now once a week (or month) or so just to use different equipment... but STILL NO to machines! except the treadmill when snow & ice prevent me being on my beloved seawall. I'll try the intervals thing but something tells me that reaching out to push a button every 30seconds will likely be the death of me! and I don't feel its SAFE to do a full-out sprint on a treadmill...

thanks for comments, and Terry, yah, why don't you move here so you can spot me? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Nah Jackie, can’t move. Too much snow in Vancouver. I’d have to run on a running machine all the time....


GirlwithNoname said...

oooo, Terry! now THAT hurt! (especially considering that it started snowing here AGAIN tonight! gah!)